Welcome to Jonathan Eaton's Eagle Scout Service Project
Transforming Frisco's Community Gardening Experience
My Eagle Scout Service Project is dedicated to enhancing The Harvest at Frisco Commons; a beautiful and sustainable garden for the community to gather, learn, and grow fruits and vegetables. I believe this project will provide lasting positive change in the community for years to come as it will teach others to grow their own produce to feed their families; provide donations to Frisco Family Services and teach children about conservation and sustainability.
I asked for help from friends, family, and the community by way of donations to make this project a reality. I am happy to share that the entire project has been funded by these donations and the generous help of The Home Depot Foundation who gave a grant in the amount of $5,152.68. With these donations, I will be able to fully complete the project. The project will consist of enhancing the garden by adding 4 wheelchair accessible, raised garden beds; 1 new and enclosed composting shed with 2 easy to use composting bins; 2 shade structures and picnic tables; 2 pergolas with flowering plants to promote pollination; 1 teaching bulletin board; new signage and numbering for the garden beds. I believe these enhancements will encourage the Gardners to spend more time growing fruits and vegetables to feed their families. In turn, the garden is a teaching space for young children and grown ups to learn more about farming and healthy eating. Gardners are encouraged to donate additional produce to Frisco Family Services to help those in need.
Your donations will help purchase supplies, materials and items such as the compost shed, compost bins and lumber and supplies to build pergolas, ADA compliant garden beds and much, much more.
Gardening Provides . . .
Hands-on Learning
Fruitful Farming
A Lifetime of Benefits
Developing Good Habits
Healthy Eating
Dedicated Instruction
Project Design and Renderings
Click on picture to open description and project details
After months of planning, preparing, fundraising and securing volunteers, my Eagle Scout Service Project, honoring my Granddaddy is finally complete. Many, many thanks to everyone who donated, and supported me and the project. We began building February 17th with my Uncle Chad, Dad and friends Tanner, Kaden, Lucas, Ben and Lowery. We had a large build day on July 16th with over 70 volunteers from friends, family, and Home Depot helping me build and beautify the garden. On Monday, September 9th, I hung the signs I made for the garden which completed the project and on September 11th, I proudly gave my Eagle Advisor, Mrs. Christi Schettler a final walk through showing her everything we were able to accomplish.
With the help of friends, family the community and a generous grant from The Home Depot Foundation, I raised just over $15,000. As the project build started I received an additional $44,000 worth of donated materials to enhance the gardens even more for a total value of $59,000. The bulk of materials donations came by way of the custom arbors and shade structures, the granite and mulch used throughout the gardens.
Boy Scouts of America is a 501(c)3 non-profit entity, and the BSA Troop 1260 is sponsored by St. Philips Episcopal Church (Tax ID #17529644787). Any donation you make is completely tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
Thank you to our many, supporters for your help, and generous donations of money and materials
Cory MacGillivray from the City of Frisco for all of his guidance and support, patience, belief in me and for all of the hoops he jumped through to make this project happen.
Grayson Dean from the City of Frisco who let me dream BIG.
Kristin Steed from the Home Depot Foundation who helped me with all of the supplies, grant, donated materials, all of the volunteers and so much more.
Carlos Fulton, my cousin who without him, there would have been no Home Depot grant, extra volunteers, donated items and more.
Chad Cable, my uncle who spent countless hours offering his time, tools and garage to help me build the garden beds.
Addis Gonte from Able Mindset who counseled me on the size and compliance of the ADA garden beds.
Sandy Farnham who organized several fund raisers in honor of my Granddaddy.
My good friends Tanner, Lowery, Kaden, Lucas, Landon and Ben who spent many weekends helping me build, stain, paint, move the beds and equipment and much, much more.
Shannon & Dean Bailey, my Auntie who took hundreds and hundreds of pictures to document the build day and my Uncle who brought loads of tools to help me build.
Peggy Thibodeaux, my cousin who made 120 neck coolers to keep us cool during the hot build days.
All of the volunteers from Home Depot, my family, my friends, and many of my football teammates from Lebanon Trail High School,
Mrs. Christi Schettler & Troop 1260 for all of their support, guidance and encouragement
Curtis Shaw, my BSA District Eagle Scout Guide who encouraged me and believed in me.
FOX 4 NEWS' Amelia Jones & Shannon Murray for sharing my story with the world
Greg Johnson with the City of Frisco Communication Department for your incredible video of the build day. Thank you for capturing and sharing my project with our city.
A special thank you to my parents, Susan and Mike Eaton, for sticking with me throughout this whole journey. They were there every step of the way encouraging me and supporting me. I couldn’t have completed my scouting journey without them.
Home Depot Foundation
Home Depot Plano Store
Home Depot Keller Store - Picnic Tables
Mary Eaton - Outdoor Bulletin Board
Sandy Farnahm & The Shenanigans Geocachers - Compost Area
Emily Johnston - ADA Garden Bed
Brenda Mark - ADA Garden Bed
Tim & Nanette Laudadio - ADA Garden Bed
Stewart Family - ADA Garden Bed
The Entrance Arbors
Lawnmaster Luxury Pergolas & Pavilions
Dr. Jason Riehs & Le Beau Visage Medical Spa
The Pergolas
Lawnmaster Luxury Pergolas & Pavilions
Brian Erickson
Jeff Arbaugh
Jeff Fleming
Mark & Wendy Kiecker
Jolene Knighton
David Scott
Kimberly Call
Mary Kay
Dava Watson
Sarah Hodes
Michael Garner
Laird Hightower
Sherrise Palmer and Family
Shannon & Dean Bailey
Laurie Beck
Diane Eddington
Greg Lawn
Kate Mathewson
Jussi Torkkola
Lisa Richardson
J Iannello
Melton Family
Lisa Kneggs
Steve Eaton
Shereen Sawyer
Freeman Family
Sonia Lowery
Pravin Rangachari
Julie & Terry Turzinski
Greg Barrentine
Sarah Eaton
Alex & Carlos Fulton
Asel Family
Bill Pullen
Peggy Thibodeaux
Candy Lind
Joe Francone
Fay Marshall
Michael Striano
Rick Dorsey
Teresa Hall
Barb Jernigan
Lanny & Andi Worel
Clay Ives
Mary Robertson
Laura Pooler
Jessica Spangler
Cynthia Lesko
Schettler Family
Pam Gibson
Lisa Leggett
TJ Hall
Philip Miller
Terri Abbe
Samantha Eaton
Rilee Harmann
Alexander Alvarez
Adrienne White
Stephen McNulty
Toni Brown
Julie Cozier
John Thorne
Kara Meketa​​​​
Thank you for helping me teach others about sustainability and conservation by your generous donations to enhance The Harvest at Frisco Commons. This project is dedicated to my Granddaddy, Mr. Kenneth Eaton, an Eagle Scout who loved to share the outdoors with me. He was there for my first crossover in Cub Scouts and when I crossed over into Boy Scouts. Sadly, he recently passed away from an accident. It is an honor to share his passion with others.